Vía Re(d)volucion nos encontramos con un buen artículo de un vicepresidente de Novell en IT Managers’ Journal, donde explica el porqué el software libre se impondrá como modelo de negocio en el futuro, y de cómo el modelo de desarrollo está conduciendo a la comoditización de las infraestructuras informáticas.
We are sitting on the most exciting IT business model capitalism has ever seen, all thanks to the GPL. It’s a model that will take software commoditization — started by Microsoft two decades ago — to the next level, pillaging all those who fail to capitalize on this new model. In the process, open source will dramatically expand the software market by making IT affordable to hitherto excluded would-be buyers, much like the lowered cost of cell phones and other technologies ended up massively inflating their markets.
Del porqué la distribución libre es la promesa real del software libre
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